The return values shown by this calculator are for reference only. Actual return amounts may be different depending on total stakers over time and the actual number of blocks generated by the network and your wallet.
NAV amount to stake:
Expected staking rewards per year: NAV
Expected percentage return per year: Infinity%[1]

[1]Simple returns not compounded.

Network Statistics

Total coins in circulation: 0 NAV[2]
Approximate total coins currently staking: 0 NAV[2][3]
Approximate total staking rewards per year: 2,102,400 NAV[4][5]

[2]Data provided by the NavExplorer.

[3]Estimated by the total balance of staking addresses seen in the last 24 hours.


[5]Total staking rewards are calculated by 2 NAV per block x 1,051,200 blocks per year. Blocks per year is calculated by 2 blocks per minute (assuming 30s block times) x 60 x 24 x 365. The actual number of blocks was approximately 1,058,994 in 2018.

Inflation of Money Supply

Since the increase in total money supply is fixed and total coins in circulation is increasing, the percentage increase in money supply is decreasing over time. The inflation rate calculated below is therefore an upper limit and will decrease over time.
Approximate total staking rewards per year: 2,102,400 NAV[6]
Community fund generation: 525,600 NAV[6]
Total new money supply per year (fixed): 2,628,000 NAV[6]
Total coins in circulation: 0 NAV[7]
% increase in money supply per year: Infinity%

[6]Total new money supply is calculated by 2 NAV per block for static rewards and 0.5 NAV per block for community fund contribution = 2.5 NAV per block x 1,051,200 blocks per year (which is discussed in [5] above).

[7]Data provided by the NavExplorer.